Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pre-Diet Goals

The Last Supper - Lamburger and Sweet Potato Fries
So before I get started, I should talk about my goals. How else will I achieve them?

So my goals are as follows:
  • Increase energy levels by eating right
  • Cure insomnia and sleep 6-8 hours a night consistently
  • Improve my mood
  • Exercise on a daily basis
  • Start losing weight

Most people start a diet around this time of year to 1) Lose Weight and/or 2) As Part of a New Years Resolution. This is neither of those things. Nicole and I decided to try this diet months ago, when we both started to notice out energy levels were lacking. And although I'd like to lose weight, it is a secondary objective at best. My one main goal is to get my energy level back where it used to be.

I used to sleep 6-8 hours every night, and had no issues falling asleep. I would wake up early in the morning, eat and then bicycle to and from work. I did about 30km of riding every day and had tons of energy. At that time I was my usual weight of 200lbs (20.0% body fat), but I have since gained 40lbs and 10% more body fat in the past 6 months.

My mood has been depressed in the past 6 months, with unusual mood swings and an inability to bring myself to do the things I love (like drawing or bicycling), most days. On a good day I feel neutral. On a bad day everything is an effort.

Since this is the last day before my diet I: slept in late, ate a rich breakfast and a very indulgent dinner, had tons of snacks, and drank a bunch of whisky. A pretty good send off to my old lifestyle.

Tomorrow it begins.

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